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AdMerk Spaceship: Designing, Building & Launching Small Satellites

AdMerk Spaceship: Satellite Development 

In the overall design of satellites, the critical factors are size, mass, cost and power consumption. On the other hand, Communications are at the root when building a satellite because they facilitate data transfer between sensor systems, satellites and end users. 

Step 1 - Design

From Printed Circuit Board (PCB) layouts of power systems by taken into account thermal management, the external structure designing of the satellite by taking into account the size and mass and conducting various testing procedures to ensure the satellite can survive the flight up to, and the cold depths of, space.

Step 2 - Build & Program

Throughout the designing and programming phase, the satellite should be built and disassembled numerous times to ensure all the components are functioning. 

We must create our own software for both the satellite and the ground, and create our own wiring harnesses, solder components to our custom-made PCBs, and mill the structures and conduct rigorous testing.

Step 3 - Launch

Once the designing, programming, and testing are completed, we will assemble the actual satellite. After the integration is complete, we must hand off the satellite to a launch vehicle and conduct various testing by analyzing and evaluating the data.

English - The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our life deeply, especially for stronger broadband internet to allow students to learn at home.

As we move forward from confinement, irrespective of our origins or the color of our skins, one practical solution is to adopt the open-source methodology for us to collaborate toward a common goal.

That is why I am inviting retired engineers, doctorate candidates and engineering students to contribute in the design to build low cost and launch communication satellites into the low earth orbit to transmit data faster to facilitate distance learning via internet.

Likewise, I want to share with you the idea of “AdMerk Spaceship” to take tourists to the moon and as soon as a breakthrough in technology allows us to travel to Mars and back to earth safely, yes, AdMerk SpaceShip will be there to accompany you on your adventure of galactic voyage.

Presently, we specialize in the transportation of automobiles globally. Visit us at or via WhatsApp: +1 617 202 8069.

Francais  - La pandémie du COVID-19 a profondément affecté notre vie, surtout pour la demande d’Internet rapide pour permettre aux étudiants d'apprendre à la maison. 

En sortant du confinement, une solution pratique est d’adopter la méthodologie open-source pour atteindre un objectif commun.

C'est pourquoi j'invite des ingénieurs retraités,  candidats au doctorat et des étudiants d’ingénieurs à participer à la conception de la construction économiquement et au lancement des satellites en communication dans l'orbite terrestre pour la transmission rapid de data via internet par satellite.

De même, je vous faire part de l’idée d’AdMerk Spaceship en vue d'emmener des touristes sur la lune et dès que la technologie nous permettra de voyager sur la planète Mars et de revenir sur la terre en toute sécurité, oui, AdMerk SpaceShip sera là pour vous accompagner dans votre voyage galactique. 

A present, nous spécialisons dans le transport d'automobiles partout au monde. Visitez ou contactez-nous via WhatsApp: +1617202 8069.

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